
Job description for Dialysis Staff Nurse

Job Description      Department: Nursing        Title: Dialysis Staff Nurse

Job description for Dialysis Staff Nurse

 Reports To:

RDU Head Nurse

Accountable to:

RDU Head Nurse, Nursing Supervisor, ACNO,CNO

 Job Summary:

Manages the overall operations for nursing services and care at the hemodialysis facility and assures the safe and therapeutic nursing management of the renal disease patient.

Responsibilities and duties:

·       Do complete system assessment prior to dialysis.

·       Plan the care process of the patient during dialysis.

·   Ensure routine screening is done for all patients on a regular basis according to management protocols.

·    Ensure provision of good quality filters for the machines.

·      Supervise the cleaning and disinfection of dialysis machines between patients.

·      Ensure calibration of all machines by Biomed staff.

·      Keep updated records of all regular patients in order to monitor their progress.

·      Must be able to perform with a multi-disciplinary team.

·     Provide a therapeutic environment that promotes good psychological and physical health.

·    Make sure that all consumables that are used by the patient are charged by the ward secretary.

·  Responsible for the environmental hygiene within the unit through collaboration with support service.

·     Demonstrate a high degree of competency and accountability in caring for patients receiving dialysis.

·     Be able to interpret biochemical and blood values and communicate information to treating physician promptly.

·    Have the knowledge and skills necessary to care for permanent vascular access.

·     Be able to teach patients to care for permanent vascular access at home.

·    Have the knowledge to recognize clinical complications and emergencies and how to respond. Know all the protocols of hemo-dialysis treatment.

·    Know the infection control protocol for preventing cross infection amongst chronic dialysis patients and make sure the infection control policies are strictly followed.

·    Assist in checking the water quality and purification process.

          ·  Carry out physician orders for all assigned patients; Administer medication safely                                  and appropriately and treatments.

          ·    Perform or assist others in performing appropriate aseptic technique, isolation procedures,                 and infection control measures.

          ·    Document Nurse care for all assigned patient records.

          ·    Respect the privacy and confidentiality of patient information and records at all times.

          ·    Rate the care provided, including patient response.

          ·     Demonstrate ability to assess patient understanding and compliance with instructions and                 health care teaching.

          ·   Establish special clinical pathways with the collaboration of Department of                                  Education to manage.

·       Know the following protocols:

-        Disaster Policy.

-        Code blue policy.

-        Fire safety policy.

-        Infection control policies.

Educational Responsibilities:

Under the direction of the Chief Nurse and Clinical Instructor, the Nurse will:

         ·       contribute to the identification of training needs relevant to the clinical field.

         ·         Participate in the clinical introduction of all new nurses and assistants.

         ·         Develop leadership skills to be an efficient role model.

         ·         Take obligation on your very own getting to know and improvement needs.

         ·         Attend all required in-services training programs.

         ·         Stay up-to-date on required training such as Basic Life Support (BLS).

Communication and Interpersonal skills:

·    Follow the appropriate communication channels according to the department's organizational chart.

          ·       Must be ready to communicate effectively each orally and in writing.

          ·       Maintain professional appearance and dress code.

          ·      Wear Identification badge when working.

·      Follow the policies for being absent or late.

·       Must be modern and feature vital wondering skills.

·       Always promote a good relationship in the unit to maintain teamwork.

·       Must be ready to communicate effectively each orally and in writing.

·      Be able to liaise with other members of the Health Care Team and support services for effective and efficient patient care.

·       Must be modern and feature vital questioning skills.

·      Act as patient advocate and maintain patient confidentiality at all times.

Qualifications :


          ·       B.S.N or Technical institute of nursing.


          ·       2 years’ experience in Renal Dialysis/ Renal Transplant is an advantage.

Training :-

·       Must be registered with the Egyptian Nurses Union and/or Profession Registration Body.

·       50 hours of training required per year.

·       BLS &ACLS certification is mandatory.

Dress Code:

According to (..................)

Required Competencies:

  • Policy.in addition to the basic competencies, the following competences are required.

    1- Hemodialysis.

    2- Plasmapheresis.

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