The viral hepatitis is a five hepatitis : hepatitis A , hepatitis B ,hepatitis C ,hepatitis D , hepatitis E
The viral hepatitis can caued a symptoms as : herpes simplex , cytomegalovirus , epstein barr virus or even yellow fever.
•cytomegalovirus infection is caued by immunosuppressed
•epstein barr virus ( infection mononucleosis) which may cause a mild hepatitis
•yellow fever is a major symptoms in tropical countries for viral hepatitis.
Clinical signs and symptoms
2.Acute viral hepatitis that is appear at less than 6 months
3. Acute hepatitis failure is a loss of a 80 to 90 % of function for liver cells
4. Chronic hepatitis is a inflammatiob of liver for at least 6 months
5.cirrhosis is replacwd normal cell liver by tissue fibrosis that lead to of liver function
6.fulminant hepatitis
Hepatitis A virus
This virus is transmitted by fecal -oral and transmitte between children and have a incubation period a 10 to 50 day ( average 25 to 30 day ) and can treated by a immunoglobulin or vaccine and type of this virus is SS RNA and approximately 40 % of all acute viral hepatitis is caused by hepatitis A virus
•Transmitted person to person
•Ingestion of contaminated food or water
•Though direct contact with a infectious person
•Hepatitis A can be transmitted by parenteral route but very rarely by blood
Specific diagnosis is made by the detection of Hepatitis A virus specific
Immunogloblin M antibodies in the blood
Hepatitis A may be averted with the aid of using vaccination , excellent hygiene and sanitation
The vaccine protects towards HAV in extra than 95%
Is immunogloblin and vaccines
Hepatitis B virus
•Can transmitted by infections blood or body fluids containing blood
•Possible forms of transmission
▪︎sexual contact
▪︎ blood transfusion
▪︎reuse of syring
▪︎between family members
PCR tests have been developed to detect and measure that amount of HBV DNA
Immunogloblin and vaccines
Hepatitis C virus
This virus can transmitted by parenteral and can transmitted between adults and have a incubation period about 40 to 120 days ( average 6 to 7 weeks ) and a specific prophylaxis is nil and the type of this virus is SS RNA.
Through contamination with the blood of another person.
Hepatitis C virus antibody used to diagnosis hepatitis c infection but cases
fatality rate is low and that means that HCV is chronic hepatitis only and the
rate of chronic infection is 75 to 85 % and chronic hepatiti 70% and cirrhosis
injure about 10% of liver and mortality from CLD
1 TO 5 % and can discovery this virus by PCR techniques
Complication of HCV if not treated
If untreated HCV can leads to confusion , disoriention , stupor , coma ,
jaundice , pruritus , hypothroidism , hyperthroidism
Nil but old modalities suches interferon and ribavirin.
Hepatitis D virus
This virus can
transmitted by parenteral and can injured any age and have a incubation period
about 2 to 12 weeks and can treated by HBV vaccine and type of this virus is SS
Can transmitted by broken skin or contact infected blood or blood products.
HDV infection is diagnosis by high level of anti HDV immunogloblin G and
immunogloblin M.
Interferon alpha is the generally recommend treatment for hepatitis D virus
infection . Treatment must ultimate for at the least forty eight weeks regardless of the patient's response.
Hepatitis E virus:
This virus can
transmitted by fecal -oral and can injured to young or adult andhave a
incubation period about 2 to 9 weeks and specific prophylaxis is nil
HEV can caued by transmitte fecal -oral
can diagnosis by exist anti HEV immuno globlin M to the virus in person's blood and can discovered this virus by PCR
• There isn't anyt any precise remedy able to changing the route of acute hepatitis E
•immunogloblin suppressed people with chronic hepatitis E benefit form specific
treatment using ribavirin an antiviral drug.
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